miercuri, 25 mai 2011

Sa fim Zen cu La Toya Jackson!

"If you don’t have anger inside, you can’t give away what you don’t have. If you don’t have anger inside, you can’t give anger away. If you have love inside, that’s what you’re going to be giving away. So I was giving away what’s inside of me. What’s inside of you is what comes out of you.
If I told you to squeeze an orange, what are you going to get from that orange? Orange juice. If you see someone screaming and fighting, that’s what’s inside of them: this anger. That’s not inside of me. So no matter how much you push my buttons, you’re going to get what’s inside of me" - La Toya Jackson (54 ani)

PS: sunt curioasa daca ar fi mai la fel de zambitoare si binedispusa daca ar calatori o zi cu mijloacele de transport in comun din Bucuresti, ar sta langa octogenari transpirati, daca o purtatoare de fuste largi si colorate i-ar pune sacosa de rafie pe pedichiura rosie proaspat facuta, iar parul i-ar fi improspatat zilnic cu nori negri de prag si poluare! Ah, si daca si-ar pierde jumatate de zi la semafoare, iar dimineata la prima ora ar fi trezita de o nonagenara bisericoasa care asculta slujbe la TV, cu sonorul dat la maxim!
Cupcake Splendens spunea...

pff mie mi zici?cand trebuie sa stai 40 de min dupa un microbuz in care se inghesuie peste 20 de oameni,numa ca sa mergi la supermarket sa iti faci cumparaturile,si sa le simti putoarea...te inteleg perfect.cred ca nici ea n ar mai fi atat de fericita

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