vineri, 24 iunie 2011

Homemade Shine Boosting Hair Leave-In Spray

Hair Remedy Ingredients:

- 1 cup Distilled Water (or boiled water)
- 1 cup Vegetable Glycerin

How to Make Hair Leave-In Spray:

Looking for a quick boost to add some instant shine to your dull hair? This quick home remedy will leave your hair shiny and healthy.

1. Mix together the water and vegetable glycerin.
2. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
3. Spray your hair as needed.

Pantry Tip:
Add lavender essential oil or other scented oils to make your hair smell amazing too! 

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Anonim spunea...

interesant, o sa-mi fac si eu :)
cu ulei esential de iasomie daca gasesc, daca nu, pun ulei pt aromoterapie :D

Zuzele spunea...

Cred ca gasesti la Plafar si de iasomie. Sa revii cu impresii dupa ce incerci:)

clara spunea...

Unde se gaseste glicerina? Dupa ce te dai cu acest amestec, parul nu devine lipicios?

Zuzele spunea...

Clara, la Plafar nu am intrebat dar probabil ca se poate cumpara si de acolo. In schimb, am gasit pe cateva site-uri:



Vezi ca pe site-urile astea sunt prezentate si proprietatile glicerinei vegetale si modurile in care poate fi folosita.
Eu nu am folosit inca acest amestec, dar daca tipa respectiva spune ca il foloseste, presupun ca nu este lipicios :)

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