sâmbătă, 15 decembrie 2012

Vanity is using your brain against your heart...

Love doesn't make things nice, actually it ruins everything.
It breaks your heart.
It makes things a mess. We weren't here to make things perfect
The snowflake is perfect.
The starts are perfect
But not us. Not us.
We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts
and love the wrong people and die.


Vanity is pride, and pride is DEADLY,
it fools around with our emotions, using your brain against your heart.
Pride sets off mixed emotions, misguides you into a jaded love affair...
with YOURSELF, using someone else's name.
So you suffer, endless pain that won't go away...

Ask yourself... is it love that you are bleeding for?
or is it pride that is wounding your heart over the loss of once was love?
If you think giving up on a person who has already moved on from you will make you a loser,
or make you feel inferior or even ashamed ...
 than be very careful...
As this feeling is your own vanity and pride.

And so as to not lead you in a battle for all the wrong reasons..
you will need enough strenght to defeat your pride,
 Thus, A reason can only be successfully supplanted by love,
 AND ONLY by true love.
Not artificial love made out of bitterness pride.

Radu spunea...

va dau eu un exemplu de lacomie si vanitate, exact tipul acelor oameni care daca ar putea s-ar ineca intr-un ocean de bani. Pe youtube, spre incantarea tuturor a aparut un colaj de melodii de Craciun cu cantece foarte reusite (nu te mai obosesti sa mai schimbi melodia dupa 3-4 minute), iar apoi a disparut din cauza copyrightului ala nenorocit. Oare era asa mare graba, chiar oamenii sunt atat de rai si de egoisti incat sa strice bucuria si cheful tutruror? Daca tot au vrut sa le scoata, de ce nu s-au gandit sa le scoata dupa Anul Nou, ca sa ne bucuram de ele...si totusi toata tampenia cu copyrightul dusa la extras este o absurditate, adica ce rost mai are sa mai ai un site de video-sharing, daca nu poti sa pui ce video vrei si sa urmaresti ce vrei? Daca ar fi asa pe yotube nu ar exista decat filme facute cu telefonul si animatii in paint !

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