duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009

Melodia din reclama Orange-pinguin


Hey, Mr. Churchill comes over here
To say we're doing splendidly.
But it's very cold out here in the snow
Marching to and from the enemy.
Oh I say it's tough, I have had enough,
Can you stop the cavalry?

I have had to fight almost every night,
Down throughout these centuries.
That is when I say, oh yes yet again,
Can you stop the cavalry?

Mary Bradley waits at home,
In the nuclear fallout zone.
Wish I could be dancing now,
In the arms of the girl I love.

Wish I was at home for Christmas.

Bang goes another bomb on another town
While the Czar and Jim have tea.
If I get home, live to tell the tale,
I'll run for all presidencies.
If I get elected I'll stop
I will stop the cavalry.

Wish I was at home for Christmas.

Wish I could be dancing now,
In the arms of the girl I love.
Mary Bradley waits at home,
She's been waiting two years long.

Wish I was at home for Christmas.
Zicolorata spunea...

Super, baietelul meu e disperat dupa reclama asta tocmai din pricina melodiei. Multumesc!

Zuzele spunea...

Si mie-mi place!!! Multumesc Zuza G pt pont! Chiar nu stiam cine o canta. Chiar acum o downladez si o pun ring tone la telefon, ca si asa am Orange, mai nou

zuza G spunea...

:) eu dadeam volumul la maxim de fiecare data cand aparea reclama la tv :) si aseara, concubinu s-a suparat si cautat-o pe net :) cred ca am ascultat-o aseara de 20 de ori :P

Anonim spunea...

multumesc zuzicile, sunt capiata dupa melodia asta si dupa reclama cu pinguinii.A lot of love de la mami si Ayan !!!

Anonim spunea...

v-am pus sigla si pe blogul meu caci nu numai copilul are blog ci si mami :-))

Zuzele spunea...

@Mama lui Ayan: Uite exact acum ne apucam de citit si blogul lui mami :) Te pupam cu drag!

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