Femme du Cirque
I Juggle...Men - iridescent shimmer coat
So Many Clowns, So Little Time - creamy nude pink
In the Spot-Light Pink - pop of pink
Step Right Up! - light pink
- Mermaid’s Tears- a seafoam green shade
- Stranger Tides- a sage green shade
- Skull & Glossbones- a khaki gray shade
- Steady As She Rose- a pearly pink shade
- Sparrow Me The Drama- a strawberry pink shade
- Planks A Lott- a lavender shade
Touring America
de la stanga la dreapta:
Uh Oh, Roll Down The Window,
Honk If You Love OPI,
A Taupe The Space Needle,
French Quarter For Your Thoughts,
Get In The Expresso Lane,
Road House Blues.
Suzi Takes The Wheel,
I Brake For Manicures,
Are We There Yet?,
Color To Dine For,
I Eat Mainly Lobster
My Address is Hollywood
Nice Stems!
Play the Peonies - We'd put out money on this lovely soft-pink
Come to Poppy - Surrender to shine with this shimmering coral-pink
Be a Dahlia Won't You? - Give the gift of fabulous fuschia -- to yourself!
I Lily Love You - Fall head over heels with this light pink sparkle
Si bonus: nu sunt noi, dar interesante. Nu stiu daca as purta acest galben, dar are o nuanta draguta!
On the Same Paige Need Sunglasses?
si mai sunt si crackurile colorate care vor aparea:)
Din colectia Femme du Cirque imi place mult nuanta Step Right Up!. De fapt toate sunt :X.
Eu vreau rozul si movul din colectia Piratilor, rosul si movul din colectia Nice Stems si mai vad apoi :)) Need Sunglasses stiam ca e veche totusi.
YellowJade, despre Need Sunglasses nu am habar :P Am gasit nuanta asta pe pagina de facebook OPI si mi s-a parut interesanta... Habar nu am din ce colectie este , dar merci de info :)
Cred ca ti-am mai scris o data ca vreau TOATA colectia Touring America, dar nu-i nimic, ma repet :) Ai idee cand apare la noi?
Iar cea galbena este to die for! :)
Ancuta, Touring cica prin toamna apare :P
PS: nu, nu mi-ai mai zis, dar daca o primesc, jumatate din colectie ti-o fac cadou :D
Cred ca iti voi ridica statuie in cazul asta :D:D sa vina toamna, zic!!
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