Am trecut mai devreme pe la Sephora si am gasit cateva noutati interesante pe rafturile parfumate ale universului meu iubit! Parca ajung acasa cand intru intr-o parfumerie, dar asta stiti deja :)
Si mai stiti ca ador Alien si Angel, parfumurile dulci-picante ale casei Thierry Mugler! Pentru iarna aceasta, cele doua parfumuri, alaturi de Womanity si Alien Men au fost imbogatite fiecare cu cate o aroma speciala, cea care s-a ocupat de aceasta inmiresmare fiind Helene Darozze, unul dintre cei mai apreciati maestri culinari din Franta.
- Alien (“Carnal sensuality”), cel cu note lemnoase, ambra alba si iasomie, a fost imbogatit cu o aroma de caramel (buttery caramel - denumirea oficiala), fara a-l transforma intr-o prajitura dulce si greu de digerat. Este asa cum trebuie sa fie, usor, dar usor mai dulce decat varianta originala. "To embellish the wealth of the amber tones, the perfumer imagined a salted butter caramel, like the juice that forms when a dish is caramelized with sugar or honey at the end of the cooking process.”
- Angel (“More gourmand than gourmand”) a primit un praf de cacao, ceea ce i-a mai taiat un pic din dulceata si l-a facut purtabil si de catre cei pe care ii lua durerea de cap atunci cand il simteau :) "For the ‘Taste of Fragrance’ the red berries, jam and caramelized almonds in the praline are combined with pure cocoa powder preserving its natural bitterness, making Angel infinitely succulent.”
- Womanity (“Femininity with a savory kick”) - (hate hate hate, btw!) - a primit o aroma "fig chutney sauce" - habar nu am ce este asta, stiu doar ca fig este smochina, insa chiar si asa, tot insuportabil mi se pare acest parfum. “In the ‘Taste of Fragrance’ version, the mystery of Womanity is untouched. The sweet-savory accord becomes even more exceptional and more disconcerting with the intermingling of chutney made of figs that are subtly spiced and candied in sweet vinegar.”
- A*Men (“Spicy instinct”) - este un parfum oriental care combina note de patchuli, vanilie si cafea, iar acum a primit si o aroma de piper rosu. “Intense and vibrant, the fragrance oscillates between two contrasting dimensions: the “Oriental – Woody” notes, with the patchouli and vanilla exuding strength and charisma, and the “Vigorous” facet, with pure coffee for all the originality and character. For the ‘Taste of Fragrance’ version, these masculinely warm scents are brought out in a concentrate of red pepper for amazing power.”
Foarte interesant. Am fost la Sephora in Timisoara sambata si am mirosit noul Angel si nu mi-am dat seama de ce imi place mai mult mirosul. Cel original mi se pare muuult prea dulce.
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