Cameron Diaz (38 de ani), interviu pentru Cosmopolitan UK de iulie
- "Marriage hasn’t been important to me. I believe we are with who we’re supposed to be when we’re supposed to be with them. If I try and lock something down, I miss out on all the possibilities of what it could be. You can’t have a child just because you think it’s something you’re supposed to do. It doesn’t make sense for everyone it’s not an absolute for me…. I don’t’ care what other people think. It’s my life; I live it the way I want to."
- "You get better as you age. You know what you want and you become stronger, mentally and physically. Things have happened recently that have pushed me to grow. My father died and going through that made me think about how I want to live my life."
- Cameron has always been a lithe lady, but over the past few years has developed into a full-blown fitness junkie without an ounce of fat on her. She says that she’s always worked out but woke up one day and realised, ‘while I looked fine, eating the way I was didn’t make me feel fine. So, you know, I just stopped eating it.’
chiar ca are un corp frumos!bravo ei,e ambitioasa tipa
Imi place de ea cum gandeste, insa in ultima perioada a cam exagerat cu fitness-ul. A inceput sa-si dezvolte muschii bratelor intr-un asa fel incat indata, indata o s-o vedem la un concurs de culturism :)
O femeie superba!Nu poti sa nu o admiri!Din toate punctele de vedere!
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