joi, 30 aprilie 2015

MAC is beauty, o colectie in editie limitata

MAC a lansat colectia editie limitata "MAC is beauty"! Ca de obicei, obiectul meu preferat este rujul. Si nu unul singur, ci toate! Dar cel mai si cel mai mult din aceasta colectie imi place "make me gorgeous", un rozaliu corai tare dragut! Va las si pe voi sa va alegeti preferatul si sa admirati intreaga colectie!

RUJ (92 lei)

make me gorgeous/ call the hairdresser/ diva-ish/ catty 

real doll/ silly/ notice me/ french twist

highlights/ real redhead/ pure vanity/ real sexy

FLUIDLINE (92 lei)

silver stroke/ brassy/ copperthorn/ deliciously rich

siahi/ wave line/ midnight snack/ our secret

blue peep / ivy /  macroviolet/ looking good

Penultimate Eyeliner (97 lei) / Mascara Zoom Lash (86 lei)

Gloss Cremesheen Glass (97 lei)

fashion scoop/ on the scene/ japanese spring/ star quality

OJA (48 lei)

Fard de pleoape (86 lei)

yogurt/ bouffant/ preening/ wow factor

Beauty Powder (119 lei)

pensula #137 (216 lei) / pensula #221 (119 lei)

EYE KOHL (75 lei)

chromographic pencil NC15/ NW20 (81 lei)

Gya spunea...

Superba colectia.

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